Recent Updates

September 9, 2016

Letter to the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity’s Request For Information

September 11, 2016 On September 9th, the FSSCC submitted a response letter to The Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity’s Request For Information about current and future states of cybersecurity in the digital economy. In the letter, the sector highlights three cybersecurity collaborative accomplishments and outlines five recommendations. Read the full response here
June 8, 2016

Announcing the Election of Rich Baich as Chair of the FSSCC

June 8, 2016 The Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council today announced the election of Rich Baich as chair of the FSSCC. Rich will succeed Russell Fitzgibbons, EVP & Chief Risk Officer of The Clearing House, whose term as FSSCC chair ends on July 27, 2016. Read More

Highlighted Resources

Cyber Storm 2020 After-Action Report
On August 10-14, 2020, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) conducted Cyber Storm 2020 (CS 2020), the seventh iteration of the national capstone cyber exercise that brings together the public and private sectors to simulate response to a cyber crisis impacting the Nation’s critical infrastructure

Cybersecurity Profile
The FSSCC Cybersecurity Profile is now managed, updated, and maintained by the Cyber Risk Institute (CRI).

Automated Cybersecurity Assessment Tool
The Automated Cybersecurity Assessment Tool to provide all members of the financial services industry with an outline of the guidance and a means to collect and score their responses to the Assessment questions.

Business Services Resilience and Restoration
This white paper defines key terms used in discussions related to operational resilience, business continuity/disaster recovery, and business restoration.