FSSCC Research and Development Committee

The purpose of this committee is to gather input from across the sector regarding what future threats the sector may face along with new technologies or standards that could help mitigate those threats. The committee prioritizes the Sector’s needs and identifies those technical and standards areas which provide the most impact, and looks for potential partners in the US government who are wiling to invest research and development funding to address those needs and/or partner with the Sector in some way to see the R&D needs addressed. The Research and Development Enterprise spends billions of dollars annually on different topics and areas surrounding cybersecurity. Much of these efforts are driven by government agency requirements, but several are open to and welcome input from the private sector to develop tactics, techniques and procedures that could be transitioned to operation use in the commercial sector and especially for a critical infrastructure sector such as financial services.



The Committee’s mission consists of strengthening critical financial sector infrastructure by identifying needed technologies and standards to address future threats and provide new capabilities by partnering with the Federal R&D enterprise.

Committee Priorities

  • Identify priorities for research and promote development initiatives to significantly improve the resiliency of the Financial Services Sector.
  • Engage industry stakeholders and subject matter experts, including representation from academic institutions and government agencies.
  • Harmonize perspectives across the Banking and Financial Sector.
  • Advise NIST on technical standards development aligned to committee priorities.